
You must be referring to the handsome, voluptuous fellow that you see above. He is a character I created a long time ago. At the time, I just got back into illustrating and I was awful at drawing limbs and hated the thought of a nose. So I removed them. I ended up drawing a comic about the struggles of having to remove toast from a toaster without arms. THUS, Dilbert, Dilby Dilberto was born! He has been my sassy bodacious meat pudge cheerleader ever since.
About The Artist
Haiii!! My name is Karen a small artist from Toronto Canada. I started back my illustration journey, and in 2016 I began posting on instagram. I always dreamt of making products that people would want, but never knew how. I drew and stared at my artwork every day for 2 years and for each one of those days I would ask myself. 'Would I buy that?' The answer was always no. Until 2018 that no became a yes or... YASS! I then opened my Etsy Shop. With the support from so many of you 2 years later was able to open my own website. Now I just want to continue to build a mountain full of the most sassiest things around.
Why "itsdilful"?
The 'DIL' represents my little pudge Dilbert. It also means it's wonderful, it's awful, and it's delightful. All the things that Dilbert is. It also describes my journey to get here.
Itsdilful. It's Dilbert. It's wonderful. ♡

Stay up to date on what I'm working on, visit my Instagram page.
See reviews on products. View them here on my Etsy store.